
Where the Cliff clothing: 20% off entry price

Clipless pedals, tubeless tires, carbon fiber, air frame and wide rims have one thing in common: they exchange in the game world of cycling. It often than not you cross-game exchange, but when you do, it is always exciting. We believe that, where Cliff team developed a game-changing bicycle clothing, and are pleased to announce that the art of bicycle racing Cliff Cyclery.com where the exclusive distributor of apparel. As part of this announcement, we will provide 20% discount on all racing gear where Cliff introduction. Just use the code in the checkout VANCLEVE20.

What makes Van Leaf a game changing car kit? Well, unlike most high-tech components hype, no wild claims where Cliff's proprietary technology, when it comes to their clothing construction. What makes this new kit, so exciting is its basic design and innovative use of artificial finishes.
Cliff fall from last year, where brightly colored pajamas style view, we look at rock and roll used to review the evolving history. Elvis, big band jazz is not digestible foil. The Beatles' music is boring and polite folk, disinfection, the popular response to the early sixties. The Ramones conflict operations, the carving of the 70's rock compilation. Nirvana shocked the three lines and a healthy dose of guitar distortion over synthed World "altnerative" rock.


